Tuesday, November 07, 2006

one month

It's been one month since I started this blog. I've written one (or two) posts every day, had 660 hits, and 497 visitors. I've rambled, mused, posted, erased, edited, and hand-written posts when I wasn't near a computer. I've made new friends, gathered a small contingent of regular readers (Thanks, guys!), and enjoyed gaining my footing a new community.

And I finally understand the phrase "the muse that afflicts me," because sometimes, the thoughts are swirling around in my head so fast and so intrusively, that I just can't not write. It's an affliction. And I haven't gotten it out of my system yet. So here's to another month of emerging from the ashes.

And probably another.

And another.

And another.

Oh, and I'm participating in NaBloPoMo. I somehow think every day isn't going to be too hard for me.


Anonymous said...

Found you on the nablo list... Nice to meet you!


from the ashes said...

Welcome. Hope you stick around, if my blog interests you. It's got a pretty specific audience right now.