Thursday, January 25, 2007

telling his family

A couple months after we stopped going to church, we had a family reunion with my husband's family. His approach was to just let it come out, let them figure it out. He didn't want to say something formally.

So I just kept being my (new) self; I refused to be in the unbeliever's closet and hide my new thoughts, attitudes, and wardrobe. I took every excuse (sports activities, morning yoga) to wear non-garment safe clothes, something I wouldn't have done before. I boldly expressed political views that good Mormon girls shouldn't have. We skipped church and stayed at home with his jack Mormon brother. I said things I shouldn't have said about how cheap blow jobs are in our city. I admitted I feel embarrassed when I have to tell people my alma mater (BYU). I got drunk in front of all his siblings.

It was completely out of the blue. No one expected it. Everyone was shocked.

Looking back, I feel I went a little overboard and should have eased them in a littler gentler. I feel terrible that I acted like that in front of all his younger, impressionable cousins. But all of them got the message. Unfortunately, that message left us as "We don't believe in the Mormon church anymore" and probably arrived to them as "We are prideful sinners who let go of the iron rod and are wandering in the dark and dreary wilderness. We won't be seeing you in the Celestial Kingdom, but the beer and sleeping in on Sundays is totally worth it!" (Hmm, maybe I'll make that my new tag line.)

They all reacted differently, according to their experiences and personalities. My father-in-law won't talk about it to this day. My husband's church-going siblings will talk about it, but would rather not. My brother-in-law's first words were, "So you drink beer and everything?" As I've mentioned before, my mother-in-law couldn't speak about it for months, such was her shock and pain.

His non-church-going brother and his nevermo wife were quite shocked, speechless actually, because they would have never expected it from us. Once the shock wore off, they were quite happy to have another couple join them on the fringe. Where before, my attitude toward them was always quietly judgmental, and our relationship awkward and stilted because of the-religion-thing, now I could talk openly about religion or any other subject. The change was all me. They were always great people; I just couldn't see it because "they're not Mormon" was always somewhere in my mind. I guess it still is in my mind; but now, it's a good thing.


Anonymous said...

efta, you had me laughing out loud at "I got drunk in front of his siblings." I just had this great mental image. Knowing you back when you were TBM, I can hardly believe it!

During our latest trip with my TBM family, fiance and I ran away for a "date night" to sample some of the local beers. My fiance expressed the wish that we had at least one other sibling/couple to hang out with when we did fun stuff like this. (I do have one other black sheep sib, but he wasn't with us on this trip.) As much as I love my family, it *is* a drag to have to keep so much compartmentalized.

from the ashes said...

Yes, rolypoly, anyone who knew my Molly Mormon teenage-self would utterly shocked at me now.

I know what you mean about being able to have a beer with another couple in family. That would be nice. We've been able to drink with DH's jack-mo brother and his wife, but they are also the couple we see the least often.

There's something to that moment of having a conversation over a drink, especially with other exmos. Even with nevermos, though--it feels just so very normal. And that feels good.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Good for you. I'm glad you have the ability to be yourself around them, at least.

C. L. Hanson said...

"We won't be seeing you in the Celestial Kingdom, but the beer and sleeping in on Sundays is totally worth it!"

LOL!!! That would be the best tag line!!!!

Actually, this reminds me a bit of our big family reunion in a hotel in Orem, UT in 2002. Aerin will surely remember this. ;-)

The exmo contingent threw a bit of a beer party in one of the hotel rooms one night. The funny part was when I came back from the bathroom and went back to drinking my beer -- and then noticed that some of the Mormons had joined us, including a very young cousin...

As thus we see the infamous C. L. Hanson surprised and embarrassedly trying to hide her beer... lol