Monday, January 08, 2007

love bomb or true friendship?

I haven't been contacted by the church much since I stopped attending the ward. There was an initial flurry of phone calls from the bishop or his representatives, a visiting teacher, etc., but we politely declined any appointments or visits and DH felt no need to explain our reasons. I felt some obligation to explain, or send back our recently-renewed recommends, or something, but I didn't. And in time, the feeling faded. If a Mormon from the neighborhood asked me about it in the months after leaving, I would explain with more or less detail depending on the level of our friendship. After that, I haven't heard much.

Last year, I got a Christmas card from the RS president (whom I'm sure couldn't have placed my name on her "inactives" list with a face). Just a standard thing, letting me know she was supposed to care about me personally. I liked this woman when I knew her from afar. As a Caribbean, Catholic convert, she brought a flair into the meetings that made Molly Mormons cringe and me smile. So I rolled my eyes at the card, but I couldn't be mad at her personally.

This Christmas, I got a box of chocolates from two men I had never met before and I supposed were assigned us as home teachers (never mind that DH specifically stated we didn't want home teachers). I couldn't be mad at them, because they just wanted to do their job; they were just messengers in a wacked-out system of assigned friends. I was annoyed because it was the system that brought them to my house, and not any level of true friendship. They even forgot to introduce themselves, but they obviously knew who I was.

Then after Christmas I received a card in the mail, a personal note from someone I actually did know and talk to a few times while I still attended. I even liked her. She "was thinking about me and thought of writing me a note" (The Spirit TM?), hopes we're doing well, and wants to get together and catch up. And she prays that I feel the Lord in my life.

I found myself not minding too much the spiritual references--that writing me was a result of "thinking about me" (it was always encouraged in YW and RS to follow up on those feelings, because it is really the Spirit prompting you); the Lord. I can appreciate these references as just her way of interacting with the mystical world. I can reinterpret it as "I miss you" and "I hope you're happy during the holidays" just like I can reinterpret my Muslim friends saying Alhamdullilah as "That's life" or "Thank goodness" instead of "praise be to God."

So here are my dilemmas: Is it genuine friendship that prompted this? We weren't close friends, but could have been, I think, had we lived closer. Or is it a friend missing me, mixed with concern for my spiritual welfare? Or has she been assigned as my visiting teacher?

Should I call her and state up front that if this is church-assigned, I'd rather have none of it? That if she is planning on reporting back to the RS, I will not meet? Or should I get together with her? But not talk about church-stuff at all, even if she brings it up? Talk about it, because hearing the story might help her?

Am I just too paranoid? Am I too cynical to automatically think this had ulterior motives or origins? Why do I have to think that? Why can't it just be a matter of an old friend contacting me after several months of not seeing each other?

If I don't see her, I'll play into the stereotype of "the inactive becomes anti-social and cuts off friendships." If I do meet with her, I might defy that stereotype by showing her I'm actually quite happy and well-adjusted to life without church.

WWYD? (What would you do?)


Lemon Blossom said...

Ugh, I had a whole comment I wrote and then it bombed on me.

Basically I wrote that I would go out with her and see where she leads the discussion. If you find out she is doing it for church I would (hopefully) find a way to let her know I am willing be friends, but only as long as it's not as an assignment.

I hope this helps!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'd probably go. I, too, tend to be cynical and read motives into things - she's probably just like, "Hey, she was cool. I wonder if she'd like to have lunch sometime." Try to see the funny. If she's just being a prig then you can have some serious fun freaking her out, and at least you'll know not to hang with her again. If she really wants to be friends then cool. There's not much of a downside, either way.

from the ashes said...

Thanks, gals. I'll probably contact her and explicitly ask if this is an assignment or church obligation.

Anonymous said...

I vote SUSPECT! I think it is church related. If it was personal, her note would have said, "Girlfriend, whaz up? I miss you! We HAVE to do lunch." Her's sounded too churchy. I have some friends from a ward I was in like 10 years ago. TRUE FRIENDS! The three of us went through a lot together. We weren't in the click so to speak. Well, I haven't seen either of them for a couple of years, and one just moved back here from Cali. We had a total "Whaz up girlfriend?" kind of lunch. We talked about surviving divorce, the church, our kids, they're cool with me... they laughed and shook their heads about the live-in boyfriend, we all agreed that activity doesn't keep your kids out of trouble... one friend's son went through a drug phase, and they're faithful. My kids have never touched the stuff, and are totally sheltered, but we never go and they are free to say damn & hell whenever they want. Shit if they're really pissed. Kind of long ramble, but if she's a friend, she'll want a lunch girly time...not churchy.

Sorry for the late post, I started a new job, and my blogging world doesn't have the time it used to....

Sideon said...

I'm always confused when Mormons use the phrase "...Lord..."?

Do they mean Jesus Christ?

Or Joseph Smith?

Or God the Father?