Saturday, February 03, 2007

fyi, readers

I'm cutting back on posts, because I'm busy these days. I'll still try to get in a few posts a week.

Thank you for reading these past months (almost four!).



Sister Mary Lisa said...

OMG, NOOOOO! You never once offended me or whatever! I've been busy as hell, at work and at home, (the boss is going on a big trip and when he goes, we BOTH have a huge amount of extra work to make it possible for him to be gone...)

So...that's the reason for my quick reading w/out leaving comments, and my lack of reading time at all. I'll catch up on what I've missed later this week.

You rock, and nothing short of death can keep me from reading your thoughts.


Lemon Blossom said...

I'll miss my daily dose of FTA! I seriously figure out so much when I read your blog. It's like a breath of fresh air. I hope you are able to get lots done though!!

from the ashes said...

Oh, thanks gals! I wish I had time to write every day! Maybe I'll miss it too much and feel that compulsion pulling me back.

I thought maybe readings would be able to keep up better if they didn't feel like they had to read every day?