Wednesday, October 25, 2006

a note on future posts

Up until now, I’ve told my exit story in a chronological fashion. But now that I’ve reached the point where I stopped attending, I feel like that my experience is difficult to keep chronological. I find that my changing worldview, my emotions, and my recovery, especially during that formative period right around my exit, are so intense that I have trouble remembering what happened when and in what order. What I do remember are the emotions and the changes, but from here on out, time can no longer order my story.

That said, I’m going to keep posting, hopefully daily, but my posts will be more random and topic-oriented. I will try to situate my post within a period of my exit. For example, I’ll say, “When I was a believer…” or “When my belief was falling apart...” or “Just after I stopped believing…” etc. I still have tons to say, and I can hardly get my fingers to work fast enough or find enough time to write without neglecting other parts of my life.

1 comment:

Sister Mary Lisa said...

we understand fully...