Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mormonism and depression: literature

This is kind of a cop-out post because I don't have time to write much lately, but maybe this will help some people. What follows is a short-list of what resources I have pulled together on Mormonism and depression. Doubtless, there is more out there, and I have concentrated more on scholarly, peer-reviewed literature. If you have anything to add to the bibliography, please let me know. Also, if you would like a copy of anything, let me know at For the items that are available online, I have provided links. (A hearty thanks to those of you who helped me find some of these in the first place.)

I will thoroughly read each of these and write some notes on them when I have more time.

Gray literature (not peer-reviewed)

Ponder, Kent. Mormon Women, Prozac, and Therapy

LDS Use of Antidepressants. entry on FAIR's Wiki.

Express Scripts Prescription Drug Atlas. Executive Summary. (This report is, as far as I can tell, The Source for the idea that Utah has the highest anti-depressant rate. I'll write a post about it.)

Media reports

Julie Cart, "Study Finds Utah Leads Nation in Antidepressant Use," Los Angeles Times, 20 February 2002, A6. (I can't access a copy of this online without paying, but I have the abstract.)

Utah leads the nation in antidepressants and analgesics, study concludes. The Associated Press State & Local Wire. June 21, 2001.

Carey Hamilton. The Salt Lake Tribune. Critics question use of antidepressants; Health: Some call the medications dangerous; Utah, meanwhile, leads the nation in their consumption; Medication criticized by coalition. September 5, 2003.

"Expert: Mormon women less depressed," USA Today, 2 April 2004 (Associated Press article).

Degn, L. Yeates, E. Greenwell, B. Fiddler, L. 1985. Mormon women and depression [transcript of the KSL documentary of the same name]. Sunstone. 49: 19-27.

Peer-reviewed literature

Bauer, Leslie E. 1992. Depression and repression among Mormon women. Dissertation. California State University, Fresno.

Hilton, Sterling C, et al. 2002. Suicide Rates and Religious Commitment in Young Adult Males in Utah. American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 155, No. 5: 413-19.

Maxwell, Jeanmarie. 1992. Mormon women and depression. Thesis. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Norton, Maria C, et al. 2006. Gender Difference in the Association Between Religion Involvement and Depression: The Cache County (Utah) Study. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. Vol 61B, No 3: 129-136.

Overton, Jared L. Latter-day Saints and Mental Health: A Review of the Literature, 1995-2005. Dissertation. Azusa Pacific University.

Spendlove, David C. 1982. Depression in Mormon Women. Dissertation. University of Utah.

Spendlove, David C., et al. 1984. Risk Factors and the Prevalence of Depression in Mormon Women. Social Science and Medicine. Vol 18, No 6: 491-495.

Williams, Marleen. 1993. Correlates of Beck Depression Inventory Scores in Mormon and Protestant women: Religious orientation, traditional family attitudes and perfectionism. Dissertation. Brigham Young University.

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