Friday, October 05, 2007


I've had a couple Mormon dreams lately.

In one, I was at the veil in the temple. Except there was no veil, the man representing god was just standing there. And he was a little creepy. I was trying to go through all the signs and tokens and names and kept screwing them up. Not on purpose, just because I couldn't remember them well. It didn't worry me, though. And in my dream, I didn't remember that I am actually apostate and should've just been messing with everybody for some laughs. Hey, it was a dream.

In another, I was lying in bed, sick. Some priesthood-holding man came into the room and started to put him hands on my head to give me a blessing. I most definitely did not want a blessing and I protested, asking "What are you doing?" in an appalled voice. He tried again to put his hands on me, and for some reason this was just the absolute worst thing that could possible happen (you know how dreams are). Short of physically moving out of the way, which I couldn't do because of my illness, I tried to think of the ways to get him to leave me the hell alone. I thought swearing might scare him off, so I started swearing up a storm, but it didn't seem to bother him. That's all I remember.

Why can't I just have dreams where I'm flying?


hm-uk said...

Yeah, sick dreams aren't so good. I always have the same sick dream about a crumpled piece of Trident stick gum paper floating back and forth in my line of vision. That's how I know I've got a fever (well, and also a thermometer helps greatly!) is that I have that same damned dream.

from the ashes said...

What a strange dream. I guess it works, huh? Maybe you should become a witch doctor and divine people's illnesses with your dreams. lol

hm-uk said...

Ha, ha. Maybe it just means that Trident gum is the panacea for every ill...

Aerin said...

Hey - I always know I'm stressed out when I dream I'm in high school and I can't find my classes. OR I dream I'm back at my parents ward. Funny how when I dream I'm back there, it's never the stress of having the wrong answer, wearing the wrong thing or not being at my class. It's just odd.

from the ashes said...

aerin- I have those school dreams at the beginning of every semester. Without fail. I am usually on campus but can't find my schedule and don't know where to go. I often guess where I'm supposed to go, but I never get it right.