Monday, October 08, 2007


Wow. It's been a year of emerging from the ashes. The year has been good for me. I've sifted through my emotions and beliefs, met new friends, found wonderful people who, like me, are just trying to make sense of their new lives.

It started with a fury of cleansing posts, the words exploding from my head to my fingers. I could hardly keep up with my thoughts and get them down fast enough. The pace has slowed, and my ex-Mormon muse is barely with me these days. Moving on, moving on.

Here's to 274 posts, 16288 hits, and a year of Outer Blogness.


Lemon Blossom said...

Happy Bloggerversary!! I hope we hear more from you for as long as possible (or at least as long as it's healthy and physically possible for you to post)

Your blog has been a big part of my journey and I"m glad it was there. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I agree with LB - I love your blog, and I would miss it.

Happy Bloggaversary!

from the ashes said...

Thanks, you two. I'll stick around as long as possible, just for the sake of the community.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Ditto to what they said. I enjoy reading what you have to say. Hope all is well with the plans for leaving too.