Tuesday, July 24, 2007

unclear boundaries, and leaving Utah

Apparently, the Boundaries are still a bit unclear, especially with my mom. Since I had a talk with her, I've heard her say a deceased baby "is in heaven now" and "the Lord" helped my nephew remember where he hid the computer mouse. Groan. I can't tell you how many times I have held my tongue, or adjusted my language, or just left the room since I've been in Utah. I practically put on a different personality when I step into my parents' house; can't she at least refrain from stating her religious opinions when my son is around? (Her answer would be, No, because they aren't opinions. It's just Truth.)

My sister-in-law, though, actually turned off the TV on Sunday when her sons put on Veggie Tales, because my son was feeling left out when I asked him to come away from the TV room. I was touched. (And the kids had more fun and fresh air playing together outside anyway.)

I suppose my boundaries talk with my mom wasn't clear enough. But we're leaving Utah today and won't be around her for another year or so.

Now we're heading to California for a visit. Aaahhh, for the chance to walk around town in a tank top and not feel like people think I'm a slut.


JulieAnn said...

It was delightful to meet you and eat fruit....:0)

Sideon said...

If you're coming anywhere near the Bay area - drop me a line :)

Today is Pioneer Day at the Hotel Utah Saloon in SF with a bunch of Exmos from the RfM board. Woot. Nothin' like drinkin' and chattin' with a bunch of rowdies. The BART trip home will be a drunken blur.

The first part of August? Lemon Blossom and husband Gluby will be stopping by on their way back to Oregon... and we'll do drinks with Bishop Rick in SF.

I'm jazzed, but I'm also green with jealousy about the parties and gatherings in Utah that I've missed.

Be well.

Anonymous said...

Leaving the Mormon Valley (Utah - Idaho) was the best thing I ever did.

I do feel for you regarding your mother. I've completely cut my son off from contact with his grandfather for similar but more egregious reasons. It's tough, but I won't let an accident of birth affect my sanity or my son's life choices.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

CV Rick makes me laugh, even though I recognize he's completely serious. You have a way of saying things, though, that I can appreciate, Rick.

FTA, it was so great meeting you. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend.

from the ashes said...

Lovely meeting you, too, Julieann and SML.

Sideon- We are close to the Bay; let's coordinate something. Do let me know more about those meet-ups, fromtheashesblog@gmail.com . I would love to meet lemony/gluby and Bishop Rick too!

cv rick- It's sad, isn't it, when we have to protect our children from their own grandparents?