Saturday, July 14, 2007

living arrangements

We were invited and chose to live with my husband's sister and her husband during our stay in Utah. This decision came in large part because this sister and her husband have been able to be quite open with us when it comes to discussing our disaffection. I've never put down my argument for why I think Joseph Smith was faking it, but we talk about atheism versus believing, drinking beer, how it strains relationships, etc. She'll be my designated driver, even. It's comforting and refreshing. It's the only place where I can really be myself.

After a week or so of staying here, though, we noticed a definite strain in my sister-in-law from the conversations. After one such discussion, we went to bed. As we lay there, we could hear my sister-in-law crying to her husband. We couldn't make out the words, nor did we want to, but we knew she was obviously upset. Whether or not it had to do with us, it still concerned us, especially my husband.

"Listen," he said to me in the dark. "I think we should just avoid all Mormon talk with her from now on. I think it's too much for her."

"Yeah, okay," I responded.

But inside, I had just died. I had just lost my ally, my safe haven. The one place I could talk about it with believing family members. Gone. I wanted to cry.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

That sucks. I'm sorry that you have to go through that, and that she can't handle any conversations about it anymore.

from the ashes said...

I was very sad. But the gag order on Mormonism lasted about, oh, that night. We've talked a ton since them, and been upset, and argued heatedly, and disagreed with non-understanding from both sides.

But at least we talk about it.

Travis Whitney said...

Thats great that you can continue talking to her. It must have been tough thinking that you had a confidant and you could no longer talk.

Did you ever find out why she was crying that night?


from the ashes said...

paranoid- No, I never did ask. I figured if she wanted to talk to me, she would. I still don't even know if it had anything to do with us.

Travis Whitney said...

Its best not to ask in those situations... I was more or less wondering if she talked to you about it the next day. Oh well. Don't assume its about you. You don't need to put any undue worry on yourself about it.

Anyway, I hope it works out in the end...
