Monday, July 02, 2007


In June, I invited my parents and my mother-in-law to a museum with me and their mutual grandson. For a while, we got separated, and I wondered around looking for them. I found them eventually, and thought nothing of it. The other day, I heard second-hand that their little disappearance had a purpose: to talk about my disaffection.

I didn't get much information out of the grapevine, but I did hear this: My parents stay really hands off, because "the relationship is the most important thing." Upon hearing that, I immediately felt a surge of love for my parents. I realized how much they pay attention to what they say, to how they interact with me. It struck me that I am being petty to be bugged that I can't drink coffee in front of them. It made me wonder if I was just being selfish to complain about sleeveless shirts and never having a glass of wine at a family dinner. I reminded myself to worry more about them and their comfort, to worry about keeping our relationship good, than to worry about myself.

(While keeping a balance so I'm not pandering, selling myself out, or hiding my true self.)


Sister Mary Lisa said...

Your parents sound awesome. Wonder what the MIL said to spark their saying that??

:) Hugs to you.

Christy said...

Yeah. What SML said. (it's official. Between the two of you, I never need to speak again. You can speak for me)


from the ashes said...

SML- I imagine my MIL asked my parents how they are handling things, have they talked to me, etc. Something like that.

christy- MWAH!