Monday, July 23, 2007

10 weird things, ex-mo style

I've been tagged by Julieann to describe 1o weird or different experiences I've had. Since she specifically told me she tagged me, I can't pretend I didn't see it.

Well, I guess I could. But I'm not.

But I'm ignoring the part about tagging others, because I don't know who would satisfy all three of my criteria (one, reads my blog; two, does this sort of thing; and three, hasn't already been tagged on this one). So if you feel so inclined, feel free to continue. I'll deal with the bad luck of not actually tagging you.

1) My husband managed "the roommate switch," successfully asking me out after dating my BYU roommate--without offending either of us.

2) I was born into a Mormon family. I mean, come on, what are the odds? Mormons make up like 0.0001%* of all the humans in history!

3) My parents wanted me to dress in a funky white and green outfit and make a funny handshake while getting married.

4) I dressed in a funky white and green outfit and made a funny handshake while I got married.

5) Once, when I was about 6, my mom lost her checkbook. I prayed, and felt I should check under her bed. I found it there. (I still have the sneaking suspicion that I was the one that put it there in the first place.)

6) I was once chased by elephants. Three of them.

7) (Oh, did I mention that elephant thing already?)

8) I already know what happens to Harry. I read all 7 books, 4125 pages, within 5 months. Adding up the repeat reads, I read 10155 pages of Potter. In 7 years.

9) I read the Book of Mormon 14 times. 7434 pages. It took 13 years.

10) Once I swore I could feel sound waves, none stronger than regular human voices, hitting against my head, then passing across to the other side.

*or something


JulieAnn said...

BWahhh ahhh haa haaha ha...sorry, you wore WHAT to get married? (I know, just kidding).

The men's hats are my favorite, with the litlte tie to the shoulder. How f***ing weird is that?

Thanks for playing. It was a luck thing. So far, I don't feel lucky; I had to get up this morning still...

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Love your list, FTA. Love it.

Sideon said...

Hopefully, #8 was 100 times more enjoyable than even once of #9.

Awesome list!

from the ashes said...

julieann- I heard the little tie to the shoulder represents the conduit to God. Sumfin like that.

sid- Of course HP was WAY more enjoyable than BoM. Plus, HP is completely missing institutional religion and god of any kind. Did you notice? It's AWESOME.

MagicCicero said...

Ah, nothing like that damned baker's hat in the temple, making funny elastic marks across your forehead just in time for wedding pictures, right? JulieAnn's right, that tie is screwed up. I always fumbled with it, trying to tie it to my shoulder thingy.

Oh, and FTA, I noticed the lack of religion in HP, too. It's a series a secular person can get behind!