Wednesday, March 07, 2007

coming out by email

After I was pulled out of the non-believer's closet, I decided it was best to individually tell my siblings. I wanted to tell them before they heard it from someone else. So I sent out the following email to each of them, personalizing it with extra paragraphs at the beginning and end. I also sent a version to my parents.

I imagine you've heard through the grapevine that we haven't been attending the Mormon church lately. One could describe what we're going through as a crisis of faith--but we see that as a good thing. We're happy with the decisions we're making. Friends, Mormons and non-Mormons alike, have pointed out to us that we seem happier than before; we feel that is true. Of course life isn't perfect, but it's good.

The only thing that gives us sorrow is knowing that our decisions hurt the family. Please know that I love you and all of you dearly, and don't wish to hurt or offend you. But I need to take my path--and right now, that's away from the church.

That does not mean, however, that I've become bad or contentious or immoral or amoral; indeed I think about and seek daily my spirituality and connection to God, and strive to follow my conscience and stay true to my integrity. Currently, I find that connection and guidance better elsewhere than in the Mormon church.

Again, I am sincerely sorry that this hurts you. Confronting that sorrow and that pain, let alone awkwardness, is what has kept me from opening up sooner. Do what you need to do to deal with this, but I would greatly appreciate open communication, love, and support. Not that I expected anything less from you.


Sideon said...

The email was well said - supportive, descriptive, and honest. You didn't go overboard explaining yourself, and you the language was sensitive about their possible (over)reactions.

I especially like the end paragraph, expressing your appreciation of explicit "communication, love, and support."

Rebecca said...

That was really, REALLY good. I wish I'd read it before I'd told my family - I totally would have copied. Word for word. Of course, then they would have wondered why I was referring to "we"...

from the ashes said...

It makes my heard glad that you approve. I really struggled with what to say. I hated that I had to bring it up with them, out of the blue for most of them. Nice friendly email then BAM! All of them wrote back, and some of them mentioned that they cried. But they pretty much managed to not preach to me or tell me I was evil or wrong. Which was nice.

Rebecca- Hee hee, that would have thrown them for a loop. "We? Who's we? Is she announcing something?"

I wrote back to everyone who wrote back to me. Then I heard nothing.

I've only had two siblings ever bring it up since then. EVER.