Saturday, December 09, 2006

ain't no fool

Agnostic Mom alerted readers to this video about brilliant, famous, and influential atheists. Check it out.

I'm interested in what you think about it.

(Sorry, I'm busy.)


Threads of the Divine said...

That was an interesting video. I guess for me I just don't see it as a popularity contest. It's safe to say that those people are not fools, but I don't feel like they are any better than anyone else just because they don't believe. Some of the statistics on marriage and prison were eye opening though. One of the things that lead me to question everything was the evidence all around me of the gospel not really working like it says it should. It doesn't really seem to help anything as far as day to day practical living, and that really bothers me.

from the ashes said...

To me, the point of the video was not to say that atheists are better than others, but to say, Hey, wait a second, atheists are not the "fools" that they are said to be.

Doubtless, you could get just as prestigious list together of believers. But it's not a competition. It's just saying that atheists have a negative stereotype in this society, and there's no reason they should.

Rebecca said...

Agreed - not a competition, just an illustration of the fact that a person who doesn't believe in god isn't automatically subversive. HOWEVER, I was really disappointed that there weren't more women - I think there were only 2 who weren't actresses. Nothing against acting, but I would really like to see more women who contributed to science, literature, philosphy, math, etc.