Friday, February 01, 2008

once again, the insignificance

I haven't had much to write lately, besides being a bit bogged down by some virus. I suppose it's a good thing for me that I don't think enough about Mo'ism to have something to write several times a week.

Trying to think of something in my life that was Mo-influenced, I remembered the most significant event in a while for Mormons--the death of the president, Hinckley, this past Sunday. My response was a shocked and sympathetic, "Wow" when my mother-in-law told me. While I feel sympathy for his family at their loss, I'll confess that just a couple days before the death, my husband and I had been wondering when the nonogenarian would pass. (Nope, that doesn't make me a prophet for predicting the future, as he was 97, and I'd been wondering when he would die for years now.)

The death would have been much more a significant for me had I still been a believer, as it is, I'm sure, for my family and friends who are. I imagine many of them will watch the four-hour funeral proceedings tomorrow. The most time I'm going to put in, though, is watching the Colbert Show coverage. 'Cause it's hilarious. Predictably, it links the death and the passing of the mantle to Thomas S Monson to Romney's candidacy, then switching into a writers' strike joke--showing exactly how little the small world of Mormondom means to the rest of the country.

On facebook, I noticed that some Mormons are "getting their panties in a bunch" about the video clip and have formed a group to boycott Colbert for it. But I also noticed that there's another Mormon group to boycott the boycott.


Mai said...

Would this be the same dude that was prophet and dying in 1993? I had a Mormon friend then that told all sorts of stories about how prophet talked face to face with Jehova God aka Heavenly Father. Actually it sounded more like a business conference than a spiritual experience.

Those 'panties in a bunch' would be temple garments, eh.

And I must be truthful. I do not find it amusing when people diss on Sikhs. But on Christians, especially JW's and Mormons, it's hilarious. I'm still waiting to be pissed off by South Park, although they did have Guru Nanak in boxing match once..

Mai said...

...and I was only very slightly put out because they did a real number on Mhammed.

Anonymous said...

I love Colbert.


Anonymous said...

The Colbert piece was amusing. I hope they do boycott the show - publicly, loud and angry . . .

Because it only helped South Park's ratings when they did it back then.

Regina Filangi said...

I actually know some TBMs who loved that Colbert show. They admitted they felt guilty for loving it but they loved it anyway.

Unknown said...

I know some Mos who love the show too, even that episode--hence the boycott of the boycott. And that South Park episode! Oh, classic. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

mai- yep, I almost wrote "garmies in a bunch."


Unknown said...

The church needs to start teaching how to have a sense of humor in seminary

Anonymous said...

"boycotting the boycott" is cracking me up. I loved that Colbert clip.